
CDT and Parallella: Multicore Debugging for the Masses (EclipseCon)

An Alternative to GPU Acceleration For Mobile Platforms (Updated) (GF@DAC-2013)

Keynote: Presenting the Parallella (MIT ARMFEST-2013)

Parallella: A $99 Open Hardware Parallel Computing Platform (IPDPS-2013)

Keynote: Kickstarting the Transition to Parallel Computing With Open Hardware (LINUX COLLABORATION SUMMIT 2013)

An Alternative to GPU Acceleration in Mobile Platforms (LINLEY  MOBILE-2013)

The good, the bad, the ugly of semiconductor crowd funding (IEEE PACE)

Parallella: A Love Story (MIT SOC Competition)

A Closer Look at the Epiphany‐IV 28nm 64‐core Coprocessor (HIPEAC-2013)

Keynote: There’s STILL plenty of room at the bottom! (updated) (UKMAC-2012)

The Future of HPC: Task‐Parallel, Heterogeneous, Efficient, Open (EEHPC BOF SC-2012)

Keynote: There’s STILL plenty of room at the bottom! (ESC Keynote-2012)

A Sub 2 Watt 64-core 100 GFLOPS Accelerator Programmable in C/C++ or OpenCL (HPEC-2012)

An Introduction to the Epiphany Manycore Architecture (Halmstad-2012)

A 1024-core 70GFLOPS/W Floating Point Manycore Microprocessor (SC-2011)

A 1024-core 70GFLOP/W Floating Point Manycore Microprocessor (HPEC-2011)

A Scalable Processor Architecture for the Next Generation of Low Power Supercomputer (PRACE-2010)

Hybrid System Design: The Only Practical Way(MIT CSAIL-2010)

A 25 GFLOP/Watt Software Programmable Floating Point Accelerator (HPEC-2010)

A 65 nm Design Tape-Out in 6 Weeks (MUSIC-CA-2010)

Improving Engineering Efficiency Through Tiled Hierarchical Flows (MUSIC-NE-2009)

A Manycore Coprocessor Architecture for Heterogeneous Computing (LACSS-2009)

Peaceful Coexistence Between Architectures (HPEC-2009)